This morning while I made my coffee my mind is on all of the hurt so many people have experienced that I cannot begin to comprehend. Racial tension is ugly. Hatred, bigotry and bitterness is unacceptable.
I've been seeking ways to learn, grow and love better. I've been trying listen to others and talk, show & lead my children.
I don't have all the words or all of the understanding. But I feel confident that we can do better. We can love each other better. We can amplify melanated voices and truly love thy neighbor.
As an interior designer in Northern, I am a highly visual and tactile person. I need to experience life. What better message from above as I ponder the hurt and the"how to best move forward?"
As I looked down to my freshly poured latte, the clearest message of creamyness surrounded by a deep beautiful tan in the shape of a heart. LOVE. Love is the answer. Togetherness. Embracing each other fully and leaning into the beauty of our creation as image bearers. Brothers and sisters.
Let's do better. Godspeed.